Profiling Blog
Tailored Funding Connections
That Allow Unlisted Companies to Discover the Best Lending And Investing Partners
Introducing our Funding Matchmaking service, which aims to connect unlisted companies with the best lenders and investors for their particular need.Discover how connecting people using Stock Knocks can lead to success and growth
Empowering Unlisted Companies
icon-connecting with investors and lenders
We believe that offering a specialized linkage service with potential finance people is an effective way to uplift those businesses on our network which are not listed. We believe that personalized financial assistance is very important for long-term development.
Tailored Connections for Success
Customized Matchmaking
icon-connecting with investors and lenders
We place a premium in understanding the needs of your organisation in linking you with investors and lenders who have similar objectives as yours
Diverse Network
icon-connecting with investors and lenders
Make sure you access to wide range of investors and lenders to ensure you get partners for your business expansion that suits it well
How it Works ?
icon-connecting with investors and lenders
Company Profiling
Share with us information on your organisation, its financial requirements and objectives towards growth
icon-transparency and efficiency
Expert Matching
Our technology finds lenders and investors who meet your specifications
icon-networking oppertunities
Tailored Introductions
Reach out to possible partners based on your company's objectives
Benefits for Unlisted Companies
icon-building trust
Strategic Partnerships
Create tactical relationships with stakeholders, financiers, investors and lenders who share your vision
icon-empowering unlisted comapnies
Tailored Funding
Find the funding options tailored to your growth trajectory.
icon-connecting with investors and lenders
Accelerated Growth
Support your company's journey for growth by having an access to the correct financial funding
Unlock Funding Opportunities Today, Join Us
You can utilise Stock Knocks if you are a start-up company or an already existing organisation that wants specific sources of finance, our platform is your gateway to securing the right investors and lenders